
8 Ways To Upgrade Your Sex Life

As we age, it’s common for us to become more comfortable in our own skins. This makes us more confident (see tip 1, above), and confidence leads to better sex – sex that’s more fun and more open-minded to wilder, adventurous ideas.

If this is already you, and you’re enjoying the fruits of years of sexual experience, then kudos to you. Go forth and enjoy, safe in the knowledge that you’re having the sex that younger people can only dream of – unless you’re teaching them.

If you’re a little younger, on the other hand, it might be scary thinking about ageing. But remember, with age comes experience. By the time you’re in your 40s, 50s, or even 70s or above, you’ve been around the block enough to know what you like. You know what feels good for you, and you’ve also learnt what feels good for your partner. If you’d like to get those sex life upgrades early, use your words and be open to honest communication. A large part of confidence comes from being able to ask for what you want, be willing to talk about what your partner wants, and decide to either continue or part ways depending on the outcome and being perfectly okay with either outcome!

Research shows that older people are still maintaining active sex lives, using dating apps, and turning age-related obstacles into fun and sexy learning experiences. So don’t worry about growing up and turning into a silver fox or vixen, embrace it! Because the best sex of your life can always be ahead of you!

Image of older hands, wrinkled with age. One person
Getting older can mean being more comfortable in our own skins and being more willing to talk about what we really want – both of which are great ways to upgrade your sex life!

5.  Get yourselves to a hotel room

Hotel sex is tried and true. It’s a neutral spot for the two of you, and you get to escape all the regularity of your normal life, just for a night or two. This is especially true for parents trying to avoid awkward interruptions just as it’s getting good.

Getting out of your house, suburb, city or even country (time and money permitting) is a great way to upgrade your sex life just by breaking from your usual routine!

6.  Get more in touch with yourself (by yourself)

Okay, we know we already mentioned this as part of boosting your libido, but masturbation really is important enough to warrant its own spot on the list. It’s a great way to get in touch with yourself, your sexuality, and what feels good to you. Getting to know your body is a huge part of what we said earlier about confidence, communication and having better sex as you get older. We do suggest experimenting with different sensation and yes, toys again, so you don’t get stuck in a rut and are only able to climax through masturbation, but in general, the better we get to know and love our bodies, the better we can love others!

An image of a person
Masturbators like this Wild Secrets Crave for people with penises are great for getting to know your own body – and explore different sensations so you know what you like when it comes to having sex with a partner.

7.  Make time – it’s sex o’clock!

This might seem very unsexy, but scheduling some fun time with your partner is a perfectly normal and realistic thing to do. It can give you both something to look forward to, and can even help create anticipation and sexual tension so you’re both hot and heavy and ready to go by the time the big day rolls around. From a more practical sense, this will work well for those busy couples out there that struggle to find the time to get intimate. Further, if you’re into anal sex, having a plan means the receptive partner has time to clean up.

8.  Lube it up

An image of a pump bottle of Water-based Wild Secrets Personal Lubricant
Lube is really great. If you’re not using it all the time already, it’s a great upgrade to your sex life right now.

Now, this is page one of Sex 101. Always. Use. Lube! Lubricant is great for those that experience vaginal dryness but should be a go-to regardless of how wet you are. Apply lube directly to your genitals (or onto a condom if using) to heighten the experience for both of you. Use it on your toys too. And for those looking to explore anal, lube is essential. You can find our guide to anal sex here. For those who enjoy oral, flavoured lubes are a perfect, simple upgrade to your sex life in a way that will make everything much, much tastier.

All the resources you need in one place

And that’s it – our top 8 ways to upgrade your sex life. You may have noticed they all work together, and well, that’s sex isn’t it? It’s inextricably linked to everything else in our lives and taking care of yourself outside of the bedroom will often help inside as well. But hey, if you’re after even more tips, check out our blog and guides for all the information you need on just about every sex topic. Or jump straight to exploring our huge range of couples sex toys and put some of our tips into practice!

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